Блог пользователя khanaleemullah

Автор khanaleemullah, 11 лет назад, По-английски

Hello friends.. I have been programming for quite a long time. I had few doubts I wish if some of you can clear it.

1.. Is programming in different places like codeforces , topcoder , spoj and codechef is it same . I mean if we practise on one of it will it affect the other in positive way?...

2.. I really want to become a good coder. But when I see problems which are related to topics like Geometry and some Math puzzle kind requiring constructive algorithm , It really demotivates me and I then don't feel like solving it. So should I solve only those problems which motivates and makes u feel good or also those which u don't like to solve.

3.. I want to know the best and most effective way of practising so that I can improve and learn fast. Is it by writing or noting some concept u leanred in diary or something.?..what is the best way....Is it by solving questions topic wise....

4.. Which are the best topics to sovle questions from which every GOOD I mean say Codforces RAting 1500+ should know ... like DP is one....Is there any..should I start learning the topics like MAX FLOW and SEGEMENT TREES and similar stuff.....?....

5.. I feel that I can write code very fast but I should know the algorithm or the way to solve the problem ...Is it the right time for me to move on and learn those algorithm and to practise more and more the tough question on codeforces. If yes then which problems should I solve and concentrate upon. Should It be DIv2 C and D?..or DIV1 A and B..

Thank you....

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11 лет назад, # |
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  1. Obviously different problems on different OJs have slightly different format of stating the problem, thinking and solving. But they all rely on the same things: basic programming skills, logical thinking and knowledge of algorithms (but still different problems styles rely on them in different rates). Mastering one can surely help a lot in another.

  2. We can not achieve anything in discipline if we do not try and take challenges, right? It is very general rule that applies here as well: if you do not work in this direction, you will never move forward.

  3. Taking notes on theory could be useful for short period of time. Once you accumulate experience in particular topic you will remember all theory even when you are waken up in midnight. Just practice difficult topics.

  4. Considering CF rating 1500+ to be stable Div 2 participant you need: basic arithmetics, basic geometry, greedy, binary search + any good sorting and maybe basic DP. In my opinion it is quite enough for 1700+ rating once you master those.

  5. Start with basic algos and once you feel ready move on to more advanced. Do not stop on just learning algo and implementing code. Practice problems on this topic.

Hope it helps.

Footnotes: TC stands for Topcoder, CF for Codeforces, DP for dynamic programming, OJ for Online Judge (websites with judging system you can submit solutions to).

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There was already a lot of such topics. Use search.

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i think the online-judges like sgu & others are good for beginning because you don't have the tests so you should work & think on the code which is more important.