Блог пользователя std_

Автор std_, история, 22 месяца назад, По-английски

Yesterday I heard that in China there is something called policy of secience olympiads. As far as I understand u can't participate in ioi or imo if u are too young. Can someone who knows more about this tell me.

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Автор std_, история, 23 месяца назад, По-английски

Hi codeforces. Recently I have just noticed that many newbies copy others people code of problems rated higher than 2500-3000. I have some examples, and I don't it's by rules to copy others codes.

Lakibaja : first code Acanikolic73 : second code Andrijanikolic73 : third code

These three codes are exactly same(LazarNikolic submitted it in like 2 mins(he usually can't solve more than 2 problems on div4)

That submission was copied from tenkei : him code

I just think it's not ok to do that(I think like 3-4 days ban will be good thing for this people)

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