vasandani68's blog

By vasandani68, history, 8 years ago, In English

How can it be solved using Fenwick trees , DSU , Segment trees etc? Problem link- (

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8 years ago, # |
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I solved this problem 2-3 weeks back I guess. Here is what I did:

I sorted the queries and numbers in decreasing order . Now keep DSU to keep the active segments and the segment size of each segment.

During a query you have to merge two segments and this will cause removal of two segments of some size and addition of a larger size subarray so you need a segment tree with lazy propagation for this. Each point in segment tree denotes the number of subarrays of size point index.

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    8 years ago, # ^ |
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    can u explain in a bit naive way like what are active segments which u r taking about or actually what are the segments?

    if we take an 'i' then the possible 'j' which we can take are i+a,i+a+1,i+a+2,....i+b with the condition that all elements between i and j must be greater or equal to v.

    So what is the significance of sorting here and what are the segments which you are referring to?

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      8 years ago, # ^ |
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      Segments = Subarrays . Whenever you iterate on a query you will get many new subarrays and it is possible older subarray say [0,1] and [3,4] can be merged due to [2,2] element is bigger than the current query... Now the active segment will be [0,4] which is the merge of older two... Now the point on segment tree tells me that number of subarrays of size= index point... We can update on merging of two segments

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        7 years ago, # ^ |
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        Sorry for bringing the old post back !!! But Can someone please tell how to do the query ???? I understood the segment part and joining ,But How to do query?? Can someone please share their ideas ??? Thanks in advance.