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Is it a good idea?

Правка en1, от larush, 2023-07-10 18:27:31

So this isn't the usual blog about a newbie/pupil complaining. Over the past year or so I've solved many problems (~850), and I'm happy about that. Recently I've been doing a lot of ProjectEuler, and I thought to myself " Wouldn't it be fun to go to an OJ and try to solve each and every problem? ". You may obviously think a green dude's gone crazy. But in order to progress in CP, I really feel that I should grind some website's problems.

Obviously as Um_nik mentioned in his blog (sorry for the tag Alex), codeforces may not be the best place to start as a beginner, so I'm thinking of heading to TIMUS or another OJ, and grinding the problemset, learning new things if I can't solve problems. I've felt kinda stuck on codeforces, and maybe a break from " rating 1500 search on CF ", and " each and every problem from OJ 'X' " will help me.

So, the question: Is this a good idea?

(P.S. If yes, what could be a good OJ for me :P ? )


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en1 Английский larush 2023-07-10 18:27:31 991 Initial revision (published)