CODE FESTIVAL 2016 Qualification Round A

Revision en1, by rng_58, 2016-09-23 13:44:25

CODE FESTIVAL 2016 Qualification Round A will be held on Saturday (time). The writer is sugim48.

Contest Link

Contest Announcement

This is one of the three qualification rounds of CODE FESTIVAL. Top 10 foreign students of this round will qualify. If you are eligible for the onsite contest, please don't forget to fill the form at Please check the detail of the tournament at

The contest duration is 2 hours, and there will be 5 problems. The first 4 problems are mainly used for choosing domestic students and much easier than other tournament competitions. However, we added one more problem and we hope this is interesting enough for choosing top 10 qualifiers. (Anyway, most probably the qualifiers will be determined by the speed of solving all problems). Note that there is no time penalty for incorrect submissions. The time penalty is MAX, not SUM.

The point values are 100 — 200 — 400 — 800 — 1200. If you are unfamiliar with AtCoder System, 2X-point problem in AtCoder is as hard as TopCoder's d1 X-point problem.

Let's discuss problems after the contest.

Tags atcoder, codefestival, tournament


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en2 English rng_58 2016-09-24 17:00:16 414
en1 English rng_58 2016-09-23 13:44:25 1433 Initial revision (published)