Help needed with grundy numbers for this maze

Revision en1, by azgod, 2017-05-01 09:23:09

So friends, I was learning game theory and there was one example relating to grundy number representation of states. The problem is — There is a maze with floors and walls. Walls are represented by black color and you cannot go there. You can only move on the "floor". Also you can only move either up or left.

The maze figure given is :

Maze, my grundy numbers and correct grundy numbers

Tags game theory, grundy, sprague-grundy


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en2 English azgod 2017-05-01 09:27:28 324 (published)
en1 English azgod 2017-05-01 09:23:09 514 Initial revision (saved to drafts)