Metalheads in Codeforces

Правка en1, от MVP_Harry, 2020-12-08 07:49:51

Are there any metalhead in Codeforces? What's your favorite band/album for each genre?

Here's my answer:

  • Heavy Metal Band: Iron Maiden/Judas Priest/Black Sabbath Album: Painkiller (Judas Priest)/Paranoid (Black Sabbath)

  • Thrash Metal Band: Megadeth! Album: Rust in Peace (Megadeth)/Ride the Lightening (Metallica)

  • Black Metal Band: Emperor Album: Ugh this is tough... I'll choose five (1) Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk (Emperor) (2) Storm of the Light's Bane (Dissection) (3) Filosofem (Burzum) (4) 孤雁 (葬尸湖) This is a Chinese Black Metal Band — it's awesome, give it a try if you haven't. (5) Souvenirs D'un Autre Monde (Alcest) Alcest is more like a shoegaze/post-black-metal band, but it's still extremely good!

  • Death Metal Band: Death Album: Symbolic (Death) I don't really listen to death metal.

At last, PM me if you are interested, maybe we can discuss more!


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en2 Английский MVP_Harry 2020-12-08 07:50:57 28
en1 Английский MVP_Harry 2020-12-08 07:49:51 936 Initial revision (published)