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I am accused of cheating in the Codeforces Round #718, but I didn't cheat.

Revision en1, by fitisovartyom123, 2021-04-24 19:01:36

Never have I thought I would be wrongly accused of cheating on Codeforces because it is a big platform with a long reputation. And what makes this situation even worse is that, in fact, I have no possible way to prove that I didn't cheat. Thus when I encountered such a mistake, I felt petrified. I guess the only thing I can do is to write this post to share my problem with all the Codeforces community and let them decide whether there were evident proofs of me cheating or not.

So I would like to share the pair of submissions which, according to the system message I received, "significantly coincide": 114031815 114015470.

The only part which looks similar is the part where dp array is calculated, but those formulas are actually written in the author's solution and, as I see it, couldn't be written any differently (except for defines and code style). If this amount of similarities is enough to accuse people of cheating, then I guess half of the submission of A problems in every round should be considered as copied.

There is one more thing to mention. I don't know if it can be considered as proof, but I would rather mention it than not. 23 minutes before submitting the correct solution, I sent this 114025810. If you compare it with the solution that passed the tests, you will see that the only difference is that I, by mistake, made the inner cycle in the output go till j < n, when it should be j < m. I was trying to find this sneaky mistake for 23 minutes. How could this mistake appear if I copied the correct solution and changed it to look less similar? You decide.

The person who had a "similar" solution to mine sent me a message when he got the system notification that he didn't use any online compilers and resources to share code. I hope he won't mind if you ask him any questions about this situation. His profile is minmise.

P.S. Sorry if this post sounded rude, I just feel pretty emotional right now.


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en2 English fitisovartyom123 2021-04-25 00:32:13 4
en1 English fitisovartyom123 2021-04-24 19:01:36 2081 Initial revision (published)