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Блог пользователя Altairr

Автор Altairr, 18 месяцев назад, перевод, По-русски

Приглашаем всех новичков на Div.4 контест.

Контест пройдет в формате IOI. 5 задач и почти 3 часов на их решения

Контест начнется в [contest_time:422752].

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Огромное спасибо за задачи:

Ссылка на контест если уже зарегистрированы: link

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Автор Altairr, 18 месяцев назад, По-английски

I have collected a set of sites and useful stuff in this blog.

  • cp-algorithms.com
  • e-maxx.ru | Approximately 145 algorithms are represented here, and for all algorithms there are short definitions and codes in C++
  • usaco.org | The list of problems from various contests
  • algoprog.ru | The place to learn coding and solve hard competitive programming problems
  • blog.shahjalalshohag.com | The Ultimate Topic List(with Tutorials, Problems, and Templates)
  • eolymp.com | The collection of problems from any CP olympiads
  • algorithmica.org | Materials from various CS courses
  • interviewbit.com | Coding Interview Questions
  • leetcode.com | The platform to help you enhance your skills, expand your knowledge and prepare for technical interviews
  • projecteuler.net | A website dedicated to a series of computational problems intended to be solved with computer programs
  • exercism.org | To develop fluency in 63 programming languages,
  • codingame.com | Practice & learn the fun way,
  • assessmentday.co.uk | Practice tests, solutions, and tips to help you pass employers' logical reasoning tests,
  • overthewire.org | Wargame is aimed at absolute beginners. It will teach the basics needed to be able to play other wargames,
  • codewars.com | Improve your development skills by training with your peers on code kata that continuously challenge and push your coding practice,
  • A2OJ | The set of problems from codeforces with complexity levels,
  • spoj.com | Problems with tags and special topics,
  • lightoj.com | Solve various algorithmic problems and participate in contests,
  • clist.by | The list of contest timetables from any online judge sites,
  • codechef.com | Participate in contests and solve complex problems(also free materials to learn),
  • mathsisfun.com | Sometimes math is also needed for coding,
  • atcoder.jp | Contests every month for beginners,
  • happycodings.com | Any additional information to learn C++.

For practicing speedtyping:

Compilators: Offline: -Embarcadero DevC++ -CodeBlocks -VisualStudio

Online: -C++ Shell -online gdb -ReplIt

(There is also something like) computer-pdf, just try it. The only point is to use them...

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