Archie1101's blog

By Archie1101, history, 23 months ago, In English

I have recently learned FFT and how we can multiply polynomials in n * logn. I sometimes struggle in coming up with the polynomials and how they should be multiplied in the context of the problem. For example in this problem. we have to calculate the inversions.

We have to multiply polynomials but how to come up with the polynomial and whether the second polynomial should be inverted/rotated/shifted before being multiplied?

Like something these for the polynomials multiplied

0 1 0 1 _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ 0 1 0 1


0 1 0 1 _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ 1 0 1 0


0 1 0 1 _ _ _ _

1 0 1 0 _ _ _ _

where 0 is B and 1 is A.


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By Archie1101, 23 months ago, In English

This is regarding in implementation solution of the problem of finding bridges in a graph. For example in the solution

It says that for finding the low_link[s] for the current node. For it's child say 'c' if c has not been visited we take low_link[s] = min(low_link[s],low_link[c]) but if the child is visited we take low_link[s] = min(low_link[s],tin[c])

For a back edge why do we min with the tin[c] and not it's low_link[c]. If it is to prevent doing 2 jumps, how does it matter in finding the bridges anyway?

Shouldn't the bridge finding logic be unaffected by it?

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