Блог пользователя Firaun_jahanmi

Автор Firaun_jahanmi, история, 10 часов назад, По-английски

English: Everyone please vote my blogs "I don't like it" I want my contribution to fall. Russian: Пожалуйста, проголосуйте за мои блоги: «Мне это не нравится». Я хочу, чтобы мой вклад упал. Please!

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Автор Firaun_jahanmi, история, 10 часов назад, По-английски

Tutorial: Codeforces Formatting/Markup

When writing a post or a comment on Codeforces, you are writing in a markup language called Markdown. You can learn more about Markdown and how it works here. It has its own easy syntax, for example, if you want bold text, you should write bold text in the editor.


Because Markdown gets converted into HTML, you can use HTML tags in it. So writing something bold will also get you something bold. You can read more about it here. Beware that from my experience, unfortunately, not all tags work, I've had problems with .


I find it much easier to use https://www.tablesgenerator.com/markdown_tables rather than create tables in Markdown manually.


To include code in your posts, enclose it in triple backtics (````), like so:



using namespace std;

int main () { cout << "Hello world!\n"; return 0; } You can add your language name after the beginning triple backtics. See c++ above.

LaTeX (MathJax) — math and other special symbols

To type math on Codeforces, we use LaTeX language, which is getting rendered by MathJax (source). In LaTeX, a command is a backslash symbol () followed by the name of the command. The 'arguments' are inside curly braces. For example, \frac{1}{2} would give us a fraction of 1/2.

There are two ways to enter 'math mode' on Codeforces:

inline math mode: the equation will be inline. To use it, put LaTeX code between single $ (dollar signs):

Some text containing math $$$1 + \frac{1}{2} = \frac{3}{2}$$$.

displayed math mode: the equation will be on a new line and centered. To use it, put LaTeX code between

$$$ (two dollar signs):

Some text containing math $$$$$$1 + \frac{1}{2} = \frac{3}{2}$$$


You can find more about LaTeX in MathJax here and here.

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