Kartik_Bhanderi's blog

By Kartik_Bhanderi, 3 years ago, In English

Hello Everyone,

We are pleased to share that CodeForces Helper version 1.1.0 is Live now.

In this version, we've implemented following features

  • Now you can add friends and can see their Last Visit on Codeforces and their statistics on a single tap.

  • Now Sharing upcoming contests info (of Codeforces as well as other popular platforms) with your friends on various social media platforms is just one tap away !

Hope you guys will like new features !

Keep Coding :)

Link to the app — Link

UPD1 : Due to some changes made by codeforces team, Downloaded pdfs in app is not having proper structure. We will fix it soon and update you guys.

UPD2 : After putting hours of efforts, we finally succeeded in implementing another approach to download pdfs. Now bug has been fixed, you can update the app.

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By Kartik_Bhanderi, history, 3 years ago, In English

VRAJ1408 and I are extremely happy to share that our app CodeForces Helper has crossed 1000 installs on Google Play Store.


If you wanna try it then visit Link

As of now It has,

  • Acquired 1000+ total users
  • 500+ active users
  • 50+ reviews with 4.9 average rating

Soon we are going to add some more amazing features, So stay tuned to try it out and KEEP CODING !

PS : It's just a fun project from our side and absolutely free app(there's no ads) to use.

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By Kartik_Bhanderi, history, 4 years ago, In English

Happy New Year to everyone,

We are ready with App's new update and you'll love to use new features !

So what's new in this update ??

Here's the list,

  • Now you can keep track of upcoming contests of Codeforces as well as other popular platforms like CodeChef, HackerEarth, LeetCode, AtCoder, TopCoder, HackerRank etc. ( Big thanks to Ali H. Fadel, Ridah O. Labbar and Ibraheem Z. Tuffaha for providing APIs, because of them only it was super easy to fetch the data. You can visit the website Kontests).
  • Now you can upsolve problems from all finished contests.
  • You can fetch problems Tagwise ! Just select tags whose problems you want to solve and you are ready to go !
  • We have also changed little bit UI for better user experience.

That's it for this update, Hope you guys will find it useful !

Keep Coding !!

UPD: There was one bug in upcoming contests time because of time zone, Now it has been fixed.

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By Kartik_Bhanderi, history, 4 years ago, In English

First of all, if you still haven't tried the app then visit Link to play store

Hey guys, we launched the CodeForces Helper app on play store around one month back and it feels very nice to see great response. As of now it has 500+ installs and 4.9 rating ( total 39 ) on play store.

It really motivate us seeing such responses, so We are going to work on the app and will add some amazing features as well as we are planning to update some existing things for your best user experience.

If you have any suggestion for new features then drop your valuable suggestion in comments :)

Even if you want to suggest some changes in existing features then let us know :)

Another developer : VRAJ1408



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By Kartik_Bhanderi, 4 years ago, In English

To all Codeforces lovers out there,

VRAJ1408 and I have developed an app which will help you guys to do CP on mobile devices easily. We have used API's provided by codeforces.

App is having following features currently,

  1. View User's profile with statistics

  2. Checkout all upcoming contests

  3. Upsolve the problems from contests in which user took part

  4. View problem statement, search any particular problem by name, sort problems rating wise

  5. Bookmark problem to solve in future or download the problem statement to solve it offline

  6. View User's last 50 submissions

  7. User's unsolved problems

  8. View statistics of any user and many more...

you can checkout our app on google play store by visiting provided link App on Google play store (App's name is CodeForces Helper)

Big thanks to devaar100 for providing us a platform where we can publish our app.

Hope you guys will find it useful !

P.S. if you have any suggestion/criticism then comment below and let us know :)

Attaching some screenshots....


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