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Блог пользователя coderdhanraj

Автор coderdhanraj, 22 месяца назад, По-английски

Hey Everyone!

Hope you all would be doing great! I recently was exploring some codeforces chrome extensions and I came across following underrated extensions which are not that famous but they are pretty much useful.

  • Coding Shout (It gives a message stating verdict of your current submission) it's pretty much useful as during a contest we usually don't want to stay on 'my submission page' to get the verdict.

  • CF GetRating (It hides the tags and shows only the problem difficulty) it's pretty much useful during practice as we don't want to see the tags but want to get an idea of problem difficulty.

  • CF Tracker (It's a kind of stopwatch which may help in practice to speed up)

If there are more useful extensions do let me know in the comments I will add those in the blog. :)

PS: I got a working userscript for Multirating graph here (work like this).

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22 месяца назад, # |
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    22 месяца назад, # ^ |
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    Thanks... I explored your this blog already actually I am looking for the extensions which are not that well known but are useful. ex. CF Analysis, CF Rating Predictor.etc are well known one's.

22 месяца назад, # |
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For second one, doesn't codeforces itself give an option to hide problem tags?

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    22 месяца назад, # ^ |
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    Yup it has the 'hide problem tags' option but it also hides the problem difficulty!

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      22 месяца назад, # ^ |
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      Not really? I have tags turned off with difficulty still visible.

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        22 месяца назад, # ^ |
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        Maybe you are talking about the visible problem difficuly in 'Problemset' but you can't see the problem difficuly in the problem statement page.

        Say you had chosen a problem without looking into anything (not from problemset) and you want to see it's difficulty then you would need to either turn off the 'hide problem tags option' or 'open the problem in incognito or in other browser'.

22 месяца назад, # |
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Great extensions! I installed the first one and I love the second one because I made it xD

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    22 месяца назад, # ^ |
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    Great! I loved your extension..

    Btw can you do this?
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      22 месяца назад, # ^ |
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      Thanks for such a nice graphical demonstration. Will try to implement it soon with some more interesting features if possible.

22 месяца назад, # |
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I didn't know about the CF GetRating extension. This is really helpful for me because I want to hide the problem tags, but I still want to see the difficulty to see if it is worth attempting or not. Thanks a lot.