sachin_ecodes05115's blog

By sachin_ecodes05115, history, 3 days ago, In English

Today I received a message stating that my solution for problem E of Codeforces Round 954 (Div. 3) coincides with solutions from other users. I want to clarify that I mistakenly added my code to a GitHub gist during the contest, which might have caused this issue. However, I did not cheat and have consistently used the same approach in all my previous 22 contests, maintaining a clean record.

I believe their could be similarity in approaches to this problem among participants, as many might independently arrive at similar ideas. I am not a cheater and kindly request that no action be taken against me.

I would also appreciate it if MikeMirzayanov could investigate this matter further, as I believe there is no fault of mine in this situation.

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