Muhammad-Saram's blog

By Muhammad-Saram, 4 hours ago, In English

These days, there have been a lot of blog posts about cheaters.

Random Thought

And if you ask me, I'm tired of seeing "Cheater Exposed" and ... whatever blah blah.

Anyways, the number of cheaters is gradually increasing (or maybe just cheaters' reports increased), which could lead to consequences like decreasing the value of Codeforces; a large subset of participants are cheaters and a majority of blog posts are about Cheaters.

Admins really need to take some action about the current situation.

And to those Exposers, Patrols, Clubs, Investigators, Detectives, Hawk-eye and whatever they call themselves(sorry If I missed your "title"):
I'd like to say maybe let's just wait for some admin to take notice, I hope, soon some admin will write about the current circumstances. Maybe let's just let them be them, in my opinion, anyone who has reached a level of CM or even expert is already mature enough that they'll not even think about these things. Most of these people are just stuck newbies/pupils, and what could they even achieve from cheating, trust me, literally nothing. And if you're here just for practice and improvement, you shouldn't really care about these people.


Maybe some people are getting me wrong, by

they'll not even think about these things.

I mean that they'll not even think about cheating.

And that

Most of these people are just stuck newbies/pupils

So this should not affect anybody's rating much.

And even if it does

if you're here just for practice and improvement, you shouldn't really care about these people.

Shouldn't our main objective be practice?

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4 hours ago, # |
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I have delved deeply into codeforces' history over the past 4-5 years, and I've noticed that these types of blogs are not new. There have been numerous blogs exposing cheaters, which primarily target individuals rather than addressing the broader issue. They personally expose the cheater and flood the site with multiple blogs about the same person over intervals of 3-4 months, even if the individual has stopped participating in contests or ceased cheating. This is truly annoying.

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    3 hours ago, # ^ |
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    That's the point!
    I'd agree with everything you said, except the first thing. It's more like there are some peak eras and some peaceful eras but this era has been greater than any past era that I know of.

4 hours ago, # |
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These blogs are necessary because Cf doesn't have any alternative reporting system.

Maybe let's just let them be them, in my opinion, anyone who has reached a level of CM or even expert is already mature enough that they'll not even think about these things

I think you are immature for not thinking about "these things". I have a lot of friends in the Newbie — Pupil range who are affected by cheating. Just because you are at a rating where it does not affect you much, you will write a blog to not care about it ??

I'd like to say maybe let's just wait for some admin to take notice

As far as I know, Admins take notice and do look into blogs that report cheating.

Anyways, the number of cheaters is gradually increasing (or maybe just cheaters' reports increased), which could lead to consequences like decreasing the value of Codeforces; a large subset of participants are cheaters and a majority of blog posts are about Cheaters.

It is increasing. And are you suggesting that if we pretend cheating does not exist, it will go away? The people reporting cheating are helping clean up the community and increase its value.

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    4 hours ago, # ^ |
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    True. I also support exposing all the recent cheaters. My concern is just for people who are being poked since months and/or years also those who were imposed with false allegations by probably alts of the same person.

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      3 hours ago, # ^ |
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      Bro forgot to use AI to "proofread" his post lmao

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    3 hours ago, # ^ |
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    I think you are immature for not thinking about "these things".

    Maybe you are immature for thinking about rating.

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      2 hours ago, # ^ |
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      Rating has a place in this world. To act as feedback and motivator to do better.

      Tell me, I have some friends who I got into CP. They went from being unable to solve a single problem to being able to solve AB and sometimes C in div2. Yet even then, their rating doesn't improve, unlike what it would have a year ago. Is that not demotivating for them?

      In things like Chess, Cp, rating is a part of the sport. Its harmful if you obsess over them, but you can't not "think about them".

      Also, imagine ignoring the rest of my points to just focus on the one part about rating. Cringe behavior.

2 hours ago, # |
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Perhaps a better solution would be for CF to implement a way to report cheating that does not involve flooding the blogs with cheating posts.

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    2 minutes ago, # ^ |
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    This system already exists. Antiplagiarism check will ban most of cheaters, and if cheating dramatically impact on one's rating, after this check the one will get underrecieved rating. But I never saw f.e. even +20 points after this check, so I guess problem with cheaters taking away rating is overvalued

2 hours ago, # |
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I think banning the IP address, at least for the cheater live streamer will be better.