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shivamsinghal1012's blog

By shivamsinghal1012, 4 years ago, In English

UPD — We are sorry for the inconvenience faced by all. Now Website is Live again. Keep Coding ON.

Hello Codeforces!

I hope all is well!

" Which website to practice? " is always a confusing question for us. I felt the same when i started Competitive Programming.

Not to Worry now , i have created a website named Codedigger which will solve this problem and boost your confidence in Competitive Programming.


  • We have collected handpicked problems from top 4 coding platforms — Codeforces, Codechef, UVa and SPOJ , All at One Place.
  • A diversified List of Topics and before starting any topic you can also learn some amazing techniques on that topic through video editorials beforehand.
  • You can test your knowledge by a virtual contest based on a particular topic and a video editorials will also be provided so you won't get stuck and further learn new concepts.
  • You can also Practice Topic wise and Level wise in a Ladder Mode. (Formally, In a Ladder Mode you must solve all Easy Level Problems before being able to see next Problem) as well as in Normal Mode.

Do Register on to get started.

Thanks to Codeforces API , uHunt API , SPOJ and Codechef. These all are amazing Platforms.

Feedback and Suggestions are always welcome.

Feel free to ask your doubt in Comments or Join our Whatsapp Group for doubts discussions.

Share this to your friends also if you find this helpful.

UPDATE : Up-solving Made Easier. Upsolving ~ Solving problems after the end of the contest. Most of us forgot to do that or leave thinking will solve it later. Now You can Check Problems to Upsolve from past contest whether Rated or Virtual at one place. Must do these Problems. It will help you to increase your Rating.

UPD2 : Now you can see all your unsolved questions at one place. Also You can sort it by Rating. You can Improve your Competitive Programming skills only if you will able to find your mistake in wrong attempted Problems.

Try It Now on Codedigger. If you have any issue, contact me.

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