Persistent Segment Tree and Custom Allocators

Revision en5, by presumption, 2024-02-06 19:32:27

I was recently up-solving AtCoder Beginner Contest 339 and came across a Persistent Segment Tree Problem G — Smaller Sum.

While implementing my own Persistent Segment Tree. I tried to make it as generic as possible.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

#ifdef LOCAL
#include "debug.hpp"
#define dbg(...)

 * Source:
 * Description: When you need to dynamically allocate many objects and don't
 * care about freeing them. "new X" otherwise has an overhead of something like
 * 0.05us + 16 bytes per allocation. Status: tested
const size_t SZ = (450 << 20); // 450 mb
static char buf[SZ];

class Alloc {
  size_t ptr;

  Alloc() : ptr(sizeof(buf)) {}

  void *alloc(size_t s) {
    assert(s < ptr);
    return (void *)&buf[ptr -= s];

  void reset() { ptr = sizeof(buf); }

template <typename Info> class Node {
  Info info;
  Node *left, *right;

template <typename Info> class PSegTree {
  typedef Node<Info> node_t;

  node_t *root;
  vector<node_t *> time;
  int n;
  Alloc ar;

  PSegTree(size_t sz) : PSegTree(vector<Info>(sz, Info())) {}

  PSegTree(const vector<Info> &info) {
    root = nullptr;
    ar = Alloc();
    n = (int)info.size();
    function<node_t *(int, int, int)> build = [&](int p, int l,
                                                  int r) -> node_t * {
      if (l == r) {
        node_t *node = (node_t *)ar.alloc(sizeof(node_t));
        node->info = info[l];
        node->left = node->right = nullptr;
        return node;
      int m = l + (r - l) / 2;
      return pull(build(2 * p + 1, l, m), build(2 * p + 2, m + 1, r));
    root = build(0, 0, n - 1);

  node_t *pull(node_t *left, node_t *right) {
    node_t *node = (node_t *)ar.alloc(sizeof(node_t));
    node->info = (left->info + right->info);
    node->left = left, node->right = right;
    return node;

  void modify(int p, const Info &v) {
    function<node_t *(node_t *, int, int)> _modify = [&](node_t *c, int l,
                                                         int r) -> node_t * {
      if (l == r) {
        node_t *node = (node_t *)ar.alloc(sizeof(node_t));
        node->info = v;
        node->left = node->right = nullptr;
        return node;
      int m = l + (r - l) / 2;
      node_t *left = c->left, *right = c->right;
      if (p <= m) {
        left = _modify(left, l, m);
      } else {
        right = _modify(right, m + 1, r);
      return pull(left, right);
    root = _modify(root, 0, n - 1);

  Info rangeQuery(int t, int x, int y) {
    function<Info(node_t *, int, int)> query = [&](node_t *c, int l,
                                                   int r) -> Info {
      if (y < l or r < x or c == nullptr) {
        return Info();
      if (x <= l and r <= y) {
        return c->info;
      int m = l + (r - l) / 2;
      return query(c->left, l, m) + query(c->right, m + 1, r);

    return query(time[t], 0, n - 1);

class Sum {
  int64_t x = 0;

  Sum() : x(0) {}

  Sum(int64_t _x) : x(_x) {}

Sum operator+(const Sum &lf, const Sum &rt) {
  // dbg(lf.x, rt.x, lf.x + rt.x);
  return Sum(lf.x + rt.x);

void solve() {
  int N;
  cin >> N;
  vector<int> A(N);
  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
    cin >> A[i];

  map<int, int, greater<int>> id;
  vector<int> a = A;
  sort(a.begin(), a.end());
  for (auto &e : a) {
    if (id.find(e) == id.end()) {
      int sz = (int)id.size();
      id[e] = sz;

  PSegTree<Sum> seg(id.size());

  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    int idx = id[A[i]];
    int64_t val = seg.rangeQuery(i, idx, idx).x;
    seg.modify(idx, Sum(val + A[i]));

  int Q;
  cin >> Q;
  int64_t b = 0;
  for (int _ = 0; _ < Q; _++) {
    int64_t l, r, x;
    cin >> l >> r >> x;
    l = (l ^ b), r = (r ^ b), x = (x ^ b);
    b = 0;
    if (x != 0) {
      auto up = id.lower_bound(x);
      if (up != id.end()) {
        int idx = up->second;
        int64_t rt = seg.rangeQuery(r, 0, idx).x;
        int64_t lf = seg.rangeQuery(l - 1, 0, idx).x;
        b = rt - lf;
    cout << b << '\n';

int main() {
  return 0;
Tags persistent, allocation, c++, persistent segment trees


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en23 English presumption 2024-02-07 11:01:43 32 Tiny change: '24-02-07] for help' -> '24-02-07] and [user:NimaAryan] for help'
en22 English presumption 2024-02-07 11:00:31 0 Tiny change: '*Upd:** I re-wrote t' -> '*Upd:** I **re-wrote t' (published)
en21 English presumption 2024-02-07 10:58:22 6040 (saved to drafts)
en20 English presumption 2024-02-06 19:58:00 0 (published)
en19 English presumption 2024-02-06 19:54:13 125
en18 English presumption 2024-02-06 19:52:14 2 Tiny change: 'sible.\n\n<spoil' -> 'sible.\n\n\n<spoil'
en17 English presumption 2024-02-06 19:50:50 115
en16 English presumption 2024-02-06 19:49:04 8
en15 English presumption 2024-02-06 19:48:21 6 Tiny change: 'pinion on: \n- Is the' -> 'pinion on:\n\n\n- Is the'
en14 English presumption 2024-02-06 19:48:06 2
en13 English presumption 2024-02-06 19:47:04 4 Tiny change: '\n\n\n\n\n' -> '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'
en12 English presumption 2024-02-06 19:46:50 92
en11 English presumption 2024-02-06 19:46:19 126
en10 English presumption 2024-02-06 19:44:24 89
en9 English presumption 2024-02-06 19:42:58 226
en8 English presumption 2024-02-06 19:37:08 1 Tiny change: 'er>\n\n### Here a' -> 'er>\n\n#### Here a'
en7 English presumption 2024-02-06 19:36:50 213
en6 English presumption 2024-02-06 19:33:28 39
en5 English presumption 2024-02-06 19:32:27 4476
en4 English presumption 2024-02-06 19:29:47 9 Tiny change: 'oblem **[G &mdash; Smaller S' -> 'oblem **[G: Smaller S'
en3 English presumption 2024-02-06 19:29:32 0 Tiny change: 'blem **[G &mdash; Smaller S' -> 'blem **[G - Smaller S'
en2 English presumption 2024-02-06 19:29:20 72
en1 English presumption 2024-02-06 19:28:10 266 Initial revision (saved to drafts)