damu's blog

By damu, history, 6 years ago, In English

Bob is living in a city in which houses are arranged in N*M blocks The city is denoted by N strings having M characters such that '.' denotes house while '#' denotes forests. Bob has to pay a certain amount LCost, RCost, UCost, DCost to move 1 step accross left, right, up or down respectively. Bob lives in a house having coordinates (Stx, Sty)(1-Based indexing). You are given Q tasks contains an integer X each. In each task, you have to find number of unique houses (including his house) can be travelled using the amount X.






Time limit 1 second

Sample input

3 4 (N, M)




1 2 3 4 (LCost, RCost,UCost, DCost)

2 3 (Stx, Sty)

3 (Q)

2 (X)

5 (X)

10 (X)





Could anyone give hint on how to solve this problem?

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By damu, history, 6 years ago, In English

You are given array A of N integers. You are given Q queries on the array. In each query there are three integers L, R and K. You need to print YES if there exists a subarray of the array A in which there are at least K distinct integers that appear in the range L to R of the natural numbers.

Could anyone give hints on how to solve this problem?

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