hulk_baba's blog

By hulk_baba, history, 7 years ago, In English

Hello I was asked this problem in an interview

Given a string(S) consisting of only open & closed brackets, you need to tell the no. of ways to assign each bracket as ‘X’ or ‘Y’ such that when you traverse the string from left to right, the 2 strings formed by each ‘X’ and ‘Y’ are both balanced.


Input String : (())
1)  XYXY
    XX : ()
    YY : ()
2)  XXXX
3)  YYYY
Output - 6

I was able to come up with O(N^3) solution but the interviewer wanted an O(N^2) solution. I considered three states in my DP, current index, number of X seen, number of Y seen. Please see my code. If somebody can please share better solutions O(N^2) or even better than O(N^2). Thank you.

string s ; int Count[N][N][N] ; int NumberOfStrings(int curr , int Xc, int Yc ){ if(curr==s.size()) return 1 ; int count = 0 ; int s1,s2; if(s[curr] == '('){ s1 = NumberOfStrings(curr+1 , Xc+1 , Yc) ; s2 = NumberOfStrings(curr+1 , Xc , Yc+1) ; Count[Xc][Yc][curr] = s2+s1; return s1+s2; } if(dp[Xc][Yc][curr]) return dp[Xc][Yc][curr] ; else{ if(Xc >= 1 ){ s1 = NumberOfStrings(curr+1, Xc-1 , Yc) ; } if(Yc >= 1){ s2 = NumberOfStrings(curr+1, Xc, Yc-1 ) ; } Count[Xc][Yc][curr] = s1+s2; return s1+s2; } }
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7 years ago, # |
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I assume Xc and Yc are the number of unpaired open brackets in the two sequences.

Note that if you have the value of curr and Xc, you can directly get the value of Yc because Xc+Yc = prefix_sum[curr], assuming '(' is assigned value 1 and ')' is assigned value -1.
So you can just get rid of Yc from your DP state and get O(N^2) solution. :)

Additionally, in your code, you should check Xc==0 && Yc==0 when you reach if(curr==s.size()), because both the sequences should be balanced.