Why do i have RUNTIME_ERROR 722C???

Revision en2, by CF2_kafuma, 2016-10-15 21:52:03

that's my code , and i can't understand why i have RUNTime_Error?? can someone explain me??

limite = input();
Arrays = map( int, raw_input().split( ) );
Orden = map( int, raw_input().split( ) );
MaxValue = 0;
Visitado = '0 '*100001;
DisjointSet = { key : key for key in range( 1 , limite + 1 ) }
DisjointValueSet = { key : 0 for key in range( 1 , limite + 1 ) }
Visitado = Visitado.split();

def FindSetDSU( posicion ):
    if posicion == DisjointSet[ posicion ]:
        return posicion;
        DisjointSet[ posicion ] = FindSetDSU( DisjointSet[ posicion ] );
    return DisjointSet[ posicion ];

def NumberMax(posicion):
    Visitado[posicion] = '1';  # warning
    Rpta = Arrays[ posicion — 1 ];
    Pos_A = FindSetDSU( posicion );

    if posicion > 1 and Visitado[posicion - 1] == '1':
        Pos_B = FindSetDSU(posicion - 1);
        DisjointValueSet[ Pos_A ] += DisjointValueSet[ Pos_B ];
        DisjointSet[ Pos_B ] = Pos_A;

    if posicion < len(Arrays) and Visitado[posicion + 1] == '1':
        Pos_B = FindSetDSU( posicion + 1 );
        DisjointValueSet[Pos_A] += DisjointValueSet[Pos_B];
        DisjointSet[Pos_B] = Pos_A;

    DisjointValueSet[ Pos_A ] += Arrays[ Pos_A - 1 ];
    return DisjointValueSet[ Pos_A ];

Elementos = [ 0 ];

for x in range( limite -1 , 0 , -1 ):
    MaxValue = max( NumberMax( Orden[ x ] ) , MaxValue )
    Elementos.append( MaxValue )


for x in range( 0, limite ):
    print Elementos[ x ];
Tags dsu, python 2


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en3 English CF2_kafuma 2016-10-16 08:33:49 1190
en2 English CF2_kafuma 2016-10-15 21:52:03 22
en1 English CF2_kafuma 2016-10-15 21:50:22 1556 Initial revision (published)